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Attendance Policy

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Attendance Policy

At Neosho School District, we believe that regular attendance is essential for student success. Attending school regularly and punctually plays a crucial role in academic achievement, social development, and future success. Our attendance policy is designed to create a positive and supportive learning environment, where students can fully engage in their educational journey.



Our school district recognizes the importance of regular and consistent attendance for academic purposes and as the building blocks of a successful future. The goal of this plan is to stress the importance of attendance, provide consistent communication, and better partner with our parents/guardians. In cases of extreme circumstances, efforts will be made to understand the uniqueness of each student’s situation.

All Absences

Parents/Guardians will be contacted by an automated messaging system by phone when their student misses a day of school.

(6) Six Absences*

Parents/Guardians will be contacted (phone call or electronic communication) from the student’s classroom teacher and receive written notice from the building where the student is in attendance.

(12) Twelve Absences**

Parents/Guardians will receive a phone call and a written notice from the administrator of the building where the student is in attendance. The parent/guardian must also schedule an attendance hearing with 16 2023-2024 Neosho School District Elementary / Middle School Student Handbook the building administrator and may be referred to the superintendent of schools and/or board of education for a hearing at the superintendent's discretion. The purpose of this meeting is to develop an attendance contract for the family and school to follow.

(16) Sixteen Absences or Lack of Parental/Guardian Response***

Parents/Guardians will receive a phone call or home visit from the School Social Worker, Director of Safety and Security or a School Resource Officer. A report will be made to the superintendent’s office. The superintendent or designee will then determine whether or not the issue needs to be forwarded to Missouri Children’s Division Hotline or the Juvenile Office.

In situations where chronic illnesses occur, the building administrator will work with parents/guardians to handle each student’s situation on a case-by-case basis. Absences are cumulative for the entire school year unless otherwise noted in an attendance contract.

In an effort to better serve families and students, we will be prorating our attendance calls and procedures in the following way:

*February - No more six-day absence contacts will be made.

**April - No more twelve-day absence contacts will be made.

***May - No more sixteen-day absence contacts will be made.


If a student is tardy, an adult must accompany the student into the building to sign him/her in at the office. Students will be considered tardy if they arrive after 8:00 a.m.



All absences, no matter what the reason, are counted into the total days allowed. This includes personal, illness, doctor’s/dentist’s notes, appointments, etc. Any absences above the allowed (8) eight could put the student’s credits in jeopardy.

We are aware of extreme circumstances that might cause a child to miss over 8 days of school and will
work with the child and parent on attendance concerns. We ask that the parents COMMUNICATE with the office so that in the event a student must miss an extended period of time, we can work with the physician and parents to provide school-related services if applicable.

Any time a student misses 10 minutes or more of a class, he/she is considered absent. The absence is
counted as one of the student’s 8 allowable absences in that class(es).

After a student has missed school, please contact the office 451-8670, send a note with your child the day they return from missing school, or email the NHS front office team.

Please include in every phone call, note, or e-mail to report an absence:
● Student’s first and last name
● Parent’s name and relationship to the student
● Phone number where a parent can be reached if needed to verify the absence.
● Reason for student missing school
● Date or dates that your child was absent.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that we know when a student is late or needs to leave early. It is an expectation that students check in and/or out at the Welcome Center prior to entering/ leaving school.

Attendance for A+ and other programs are based on time. When a student does not check in or out, the time of actual attendance is affected and can cause a student to lose potential opportunities in regard to programs with attendance expectations attached.

Attendance is reported by minutes and if students do not check in/out, they are counted absent

If arriving late:
1. Report to the Welcome Center to receive an admission slip. If students do not check in, a
disciplinary consequence will be issued for truancy.
2. Present a parent note excusing him/her from being late (parents may be called from the Welcome
Center to help with check in as well--Student will get a parent on the phone and then we ask that
the parent speak to the high school staff member checking the student in.)

If Being Checked Out Early:
1. Present a note from a parent/guardian to the Welcome Center or a parent calls the office to release
a student.
2. The student will be called out of class and instructed to report to the Welcome Center to check out.
3. Parent(s) or designees (only those on the approved list on PowerSchool) can check them out from
the Welcome Center in person. For the safety of our students and when checking a student out, a
Photo I.D. will be required or a photo through Visitor Aware must be on file. This allows the office
staff to verify that the person who is checking the student out is a person who is allowed access
to your child. Students will receive a check out slip to be brought back to school if they are checking
back in.

If returning after being checked out earlier in the day:
• Report to the welcome center to check in with the admit presented when the student checked out.
If the student does not have the admit, he/she will be given a new one at the welcome center.

Exempt Absences:
● Juniors are allowed two college days per YEAR.
● Seniors are allowed three college days per YEAR.


For this to be exempt, students MUST present a letter on college letterhead to the office upon their return.
Please be aware that if a student presents a parent note, it will be registered as a personal absence and then will be counted as one of the (8) eight days allowed.

● School activities: when a child is traveling with a member of the school staff on a district/schoolsponsored event (Ex: Speech/Debate, Music, FFA, sports, etc.) or any approved PRIDE incentives day(s) earned by the student.
● Weather-related absences: This will be determined based upon the weather event.
● If the school nurse informs the office that they are sending a student home due to illness. There
are specific indicators that the school nurse will look for before calling a parent and sending a
student home. (Body temperature > (greater than) 100.4 (AAP) is considered a fever). If the nurse
does not feel that he/she meets the criteria, the student will be sent back to class.

If the parent and student decide that the student still needs to leave school, please contact the high schooloffice to check him/her out. Please be aware that if the nurse does not see the criteria necessary for this
absence to be exempt, the absence will then be entered into power school as an illness and will count as one of the (8) eight allowable days that can be missed.

When a student has been ill and is wanting to return to school the following recommendation is made: The student may return to school if the temperature is (less than) < 100.4 without the use of fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours.

Students who have missed more than (8) eight absences in any one class will not be able to leave school early or be allowed to miss all day and travel with any school sponsored activity, competition, or sporting event.

It is IMPORTANT to know that students are NOT restricted from participating in the event if the parent will transport the student to the activity AFTER school hours and that the parent has clearly communicated with the coach/activities director prior to the activity. If a parent cannot transport a student, any other responsible adult MAY be allowed to transport the student. This can only occur when the parent has obtained prior permission from the activities director who will then inform the coach.


Parents/Guardians will receive a phone call and written notice from the school (6, 8, and 10 absences.)


Students who have 10 or more absences during a semester will not be allowed to participate in prom (2nd semester), paint the hill (12th grade- 2nd semester), school-wide celebrations, attendance reward parties, or school incentive trips that happen through a club or organization.

If you and your child would like to request an attendance appeal meeting, please call the NHS office to set up a time. If applicable, please bring all doctor’s notes if they are not already on file.


A tardy is defined by the teacher of the classes in which your child is enrolled. For all areas and classes, when a student is not in the classroom when the bell rings, he/she is considered tardy.


Some teachers have additional requirements for students in order to NOT be considered tardy. This will be listed in the individual teacher’s syllabus and will be addressed with students during the first few days of class. Each student is allowed four (4) tardies per quarter (that is a total for all classes NOT 4 in each class).

When the student receives his/her fifth tardy, he/she will be assigned a date for after-school detention.
Each additional tardy will result in additional consequences. Please check the discipline section of this
handbook for more specific details.

If students arrive at school late and they are less than 10 minutes late to class, they are considered tardy and will receive a tardy note to class. This does NOT require a note from a parent as even with a note, the student is tardy and will receive a tardy.