School cancellations take place during extraordinary circumstances such as extreme weather or unsafe
road conditions. As a District, we are aware of the hardship that can be caused by an abrupt cancellation.
When a cancellation is necessary, we will make every effort to decide in a timely manner and
communicate it on all of our platforms.
Every practical means is used to notify parents of an impending school cancellation including *text
messaging, *phone calls, **push notifications, website alerts, local tv stations notifications and the use of
social media. In the event of a cancellation, we will use these platforms in the following order:
• Calls, texts and push notifications will go out simultaneously.
• Social media including NSD Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
• Local tv stations
• Website
*All parents/guardians listed as the “emergency contact” for a specific child in PowerSchool will
be the contact for calls/texts. To adjust who receives these communications, please contact the
student’s school office.
**To receive push notifications from the app, download the ParentSquare app from your Apple or Google
Play store.
It is very important for emergency and administrative reasons that every student maintains an updated address record, including telephone number at the school office. Notify the school immediately if you have a change of address or phone number during the school year.
In order to create the best educational environment for all students that is conducive to learning, the
following Dress Code Guidelines should be adhered to by all students:
It is important to emphasize that any type of extremism of dress (including accessories) that is thought to be causing a disruption or distraction to the educational process, will be dealt with on an individual basis. The outcome for each student will be at the discretion of the administrative staff.
If the student is found to be in violation of the guidelines, he/she will be asked to change clothes. If a student is unable to change his/her clothes, he/she will be sent to ISS for the remainder of the day.
There might be a time (or times) when a student is NOT given a dress code violation when he/she should have received one. All of the faculty and staff are human, and mistakes can be made. If a student was not reprimanded before for wearing the same item of clothing, the defense of “I have worn this before and no one said anything” is NOT a valid defense.
Students are expected to have their school-issued I.D. Badge in their possession. ID badges allow students to enter the building at select doors during the day.
The school provides the first lanyard to all students FREE of charge. Replacement I.D. badges can be purchased for $5.00 each.
With students having a school issued chromebook, the need for students to have additional electronic devices has greatly decreased. Students are STRONGLY discouraged from bringing any electronic device OTHER THAN THE SCHOOL-ISSUED LAPTOP to school. If the personal item is misplaced, broken, or stolen, NHS is NOT responsible for the item.
Students will be assigned a chromebook as a 9th grade student or when they enroll at Neosho High School. The chromebook will be the responsibility of the student until the end of their time at Neosho High School. At the end of the student’s time at NHS, the chromebook will be returned to the technology department or a fee will be charged to the student’s account. Parents will have the option to fill out a google form or call 417-451-8670 if they would like for the student to return their chromebook before they leave for the summer. Chromebooks should be kept in the case provided to the student by the school district at all times.
Students should close the chrome book anytime they are walking in the hallways (between classes, etc.) Students should come to school with their chromebook fully charged. If a student consistently is not prepared for class with their Chromebook and or charger, consequences may be given. Additional consequences are addressed in the discipline handbook.
Cell phone use is limited to outside classroom instruction. Teachers will have phone caddies available for students to place their phone in during class time.
1. Students may use devices (cell phones, etc.) prior to the first bell ringing at 7:55 a.m.
2. Students may use the devices during lunch as long as they are in the cafeteria.
3. Students must be able to hear announcements, teachers and other students while moving to and from classes.
4. Students may NOT play music through speakers in the halls, cafeteria, etc.
We ask that students use discretion when using devices in the hallways during passing time. Due to the large number of students in the hallways, it is not always safe for students to use electronics during passing time.
It is still STRONGLY suggested that students do NOT leave these items in unlocked lockers, locker rooms, or any other unsecured area. Students should NOT leave these items unattended at any time as there is a possibility of the item(s) being stolen. NHS is NOT responsible for any lost or stolen items.
In the case of an emergency, a phone is available in the high school office for student use at any time! Students may use this phone between classes, at lunch, or with a hall pass and permission from their teacher.
Parents can also call and leave messages for their child at any time. The message will be delivered as soon as the next class begins.
Lockers in general are not required, but some classes may require students to use a locker. Students are strongly encouraged to have a lock on their locker. Combination locks are available from their teacher.
Lockers and locks (when requested) are also assigned for students in Physical Education. We strongly recommend that students get a lock and locker when taking P.E. and place all of their personal items in them. The locker rooms can be accessed when no one is able to supervise them, and many items have been stolen in the past
It is still STRONGLY suggested that students do NOT leave any items in unlocked lockers, locker rooms, or any other unsecured area that are not monitored by the student.
Students should NOT leave these items unattended at any time as there is a possibility of the item(s) being stolen.
NHS is NOT responsible for any lost or stolen items. This includes electronic devices, any textbooks, and/or any other personal items that are lost/stolen from an unlocked locker, unmonitored backpack, purse, etc. or any unsecured locations.
Students must have a signed permission slip for the following in order to participate in various school related activities (these are are to be completed within the first two weeks of school)
The Junior-Senior Prom and other school dances are privileges that are given to students at various times throughout the school year. To keep this a safe, festive, and orderly event, these policies have been adopted:
Only Neosho High School and Central Campus students and their guests in good standing will be allowed to attend.
Outside guests must be at least high school age and cannot be older than 20 years old. Each outside guest must be cleared by the Administration. A sheet will be given to students PRIOR to purchasing tickets that will need to be filled out. Once the form is returned and/or verified, the NHS student will be notified of the decision and if approved will purchase tickets at that time. The last day to fill out paperwork for an outside date is, at the minimum, the Friday one week prior to the Prom date by 12:30 p.m. For other dances, guidelines from the group sponsoring the dance must be met.
The individual invited cannot have dropped out or been expelled from any high school. If a student has earned his/her G.E.D. or equivalency or is taking courses towards it, he/she is considered a drop-out. The person invited who is in a home school program will be approved to attend on a case-by-case basis. The person cannot have any criminal charges (other than misdemeanors) or have charges pending in an open court case that are felonious.
Administration will check with the invited person’s home school and see if the student is in “good standing.” If the person is NOT in good standing as reported by his/her principal, the student will not be allowed to attend.
Prom tickets must be purchased in the main HS office. If a Junior or Senior is purchasing a ticket for themselves and another student, both names will be added to the ticket and both students must come into prom together.
Students need to be aware that parking on the campus of Neosho High School is a privilege and not a right. Students are expected to adhere to safe and cautious driving practices as well as follow school policy on parking on campus.
Parking Assignments
CTEC, NEWcaps, FLEX, and Cadet Teachers: South lot. Seniors will have a different color sticker to display at all times to be able to recognize that the car belongs to a senior
Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman: Parking lot directly behind the visitor’s bleachers at the football stadium. Seniors, Juniors, sophomores will have different colored stickers.
Students are not allowed to go to their cars during the school day at ANY TIME unless they receive permission from the high school office. Students wishing to go to their car must stop by the high school office and obtain a parking lot pass.
Students found in the parking lot during the day without a note from the office (which includes the car pass issued by the office) will receive disciplinary consequences for truancy (as they were out of class/the building without permission from the office).