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Welcome to NSD!

New Student Enrollment

We are so glad you have chosen to be a part of Wildcat Nation!

Use the buttons below to enroll online. If you are new to the school district, you will need to create an account, if you are not, please use your login credientials to add your student. If you do not have access to enroll your student online or would like assistance, please contact our curriculum and instruction office at 417.451.8600. 

*If your student is going into Kindergarten or KinderCat and did not attend preschool with NSD (Field Early Childhood, Benton, George Washington Carver or Goodman Elementary locations), you will need to complete the New Student Enrollment. If they did attend preschool with NSD, you do not complete to do New Student Enrollment.*



2024-2025 Enrollment

2025-2026 New Student Enrollment

Prior to or during your child’s screening time, please complete the online new student enrollment form. If you already have children enrolled at Neosho Schools, please use your current login credentials



2025 - 2026 New Student Enrollment - English


2025-2026 New Student Enrollment - Spanish