Neosho School District is located in Neosho, Missouri and may be better known as "Wildcat Nation." The district is comprised of 13 campuses that span from the Historic Downtown Square to Goodman, Missouri. We have nearly 5,000 students that call NSD their educational home. We prepare the youth of our community to be people who are intelligent, driven and make lives better for those around them.
Neosho School District Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
Goal: The number of students scoring Proficient or Advanced on the MAP/EOC will meet or exceed the Missouri state average.
Key Actions:
Ensure access to high-quality Tier 1 instruction for all students.
Implement a Model of Instruction to support best teaching practices.
Complete HRS Level 2 Certification to ensure effective teaching.
Develop and refine Critical Concepts proficiency scales.
Complete the development of a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
Strengthen Response to Intervention (RTI) programs across buildings.
Sustain high-quality Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Provide ongoing feedback and coaching based on the district’s Model of Instruction.
Provide opportunities for professional development that align with research-based instructional practices.
Increase student engagement as measured by teacher evaluation tools.
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, Principals, SPED Department
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance Metrics: MAP, EOC, ACT, iReady, Local Assessments
Goal: All student groups will increase performance on local assessments (iReady, etc.) by 2-3% annually.
Key Actions:
Implement Literacy Plans in every K-12 building.
Ensure access to high-quality Tier 1 instruction for all students.
Develop and refine Critical Concepts proficiency scales.
Strengthen Response to Intervention (RTI) programs across buildings.
Sustain high-quality Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Provide ongoing feedback and coaching on instructional effectiveness.
Complete a staffing and resource audit for the ELD program.
Recruit teachers to complete TESOL training.
Assist students in goal setting and growth monitoring.
Use NSD Data Analysis Protocols to analyze iReady data and implement data-based interventions.
Engage the Student Group Task Force(s) and the Newcomer program.
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, Principals, SPED Department, ELD Coordinator
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER, CLSD Grant, Read Lead Succeed Grant
Performance Metrics: iReady, Local Assessments, EOC, ACT, HRS Level 4 Survey
Goal: Increase student participation in curriculum-based programs to reflect district demographics.
Key Actions:
Conduct a demographics study to analyze community growth and needs.
Increase offerings of a diverse range of Pre-AP, AP, Dual Enrollment (DE), and Dual Credit (DC) courses.
Increase professional development and certifications of teachers for AP, DC, Pre-AP courses.
Review rubrics and criteria for course placement to remove unintended barriers for all students.
Create a communication plan for all students and parents/guardians to explain the value and availability of dual credit/AP courses.
Develop a 7-12 Pre-AP/AP option of study for students.
Compare annual results of students who took and passed AP exams.
Explore opportunities for district-paid AP tests.
Person Responsible: Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction, Principals, Counseling Department
Funding Source: Local, ESSER, Federal Programs
Performance Metrics: College Board Assessment Data, Course Enrollment, AP Test Participation
Goal: Student attendance will be no lower than 95% each quarter.
Key Actions:
Form a data team to analyze attendance data and trends.
Review the district’s plan for communication of attendance concerns with students and parents/guardians.
Strengthen relationships with families and ensure frequent communication.
Develop incentive programs for attendance.
Communicate the importance of attendance through statistics, letters, and conversations with students and parents/guardians.
Collaborate with transportation to ensure accurate route times.
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, Principals, Counseling Department, Communications Director
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs
Performance Metrics: Attendance Data, HRS Level 1 Data
Goal: Expand college and career readiness opportunities for all students.
Key Actions:
Increase offerings and certifications of teachers for AP, DC, and Pre-AP courses.
Provide opportunities for college and career planning experiences.
Implement Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAPS) for junior high and high school students.
Monitor NSD student post-secondary success through data collection (post-graduation interviews).
Increase authentic learning opportunities (NEWCaps, STEAM, PBL, PLTW, etc.).
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, Principals, Counseling Department, SPED
Funding Source: Local, ESSER, Federal Programs
Performance Metrics: ICAPS, Graduate Follow-Up Data, Program Enrollment
Goal: Increase ECE opportunities for families in the district.
Key Actions:
Educate the community on the benefits of ECE.
Increase the number of ECE classrooms and staff.
Explore and secure funding options for ECE.
Develop outreach programs to increase student enrollment.
Explore transportation opportunities.
Partner with various community Pre-K programs.
Increase Parents as Teachers (PAT) participation.
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, Principals, SPED, EC Director, Communications Director
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER, PAT
Performance Metrics: Pre-K Enrollment, Kindergarten Screening, Parent Visits
Key Actions:
Person Responsible: All District Admin, Superintendent, Principals, Curriculum & Instruction, HR, Wellness Director
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance Metrics: HRS Level 1 Data, Retention Data, Teacher Evaluation System, Staff Wellness Points, Exit Interview Reports
Key Actions:
Person Responsible: All District Admin, Superintendent, HR, Wellness Director
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance Metrics: HRS Level 1 Data, Retention Data, District Evaluation Data, Exit Interview Reports, Staff Wellness Points
Key Actions:
Person Responsible: All District Admin, Principals, PD Committee, Communications Director, HR
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER, DESE Grant
Performance Metrics: PD Report for High-Quality Teachers, HRS Level 2 Data, Staff Absence Fill Rate
Key Actions:
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, HR, Communications Director, Principals, Superintendent
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance Metrics: Number of Applicants, Retention Data, Assessment Data
Key Actions:
Person Responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, HR, Communications Director, Principals, EdTech Director, Superintendent
Funding Source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER, DESE Grant
Performance Metrics: Number of Applicants, Retention Data
Key actions:
Person responsible: Curriculum & Instruction
Funding source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance metrics: HRS Level 1 Certification, Model PLC Certification, Number of Registrations
Key actions:
Person responsible: Curriculum & Instruction, Counseling Director, Principals, Professional Development Committee
Funding source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance metrics: MindUp Usage Data, Stage 1 Implementation Checklist, HRS Survey, Climate Survey, Panorama Data, MOI Data, PD Surveys, Behavior Referrals
Key actions:
Person responsible: Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Funding source: Local, Federal Programs, ESSER
Performance metrics: Completion of structures, Safety/Facilities Plan, Admin Agendas, Building Plans
Key actions:
Person responsible: Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Funding source: Local, Federal
Performance metrics: Behavior referrals, ParentSquare reports, HRS Survey
Key actions:
Person responsible: Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Funding source: Local, Federal
Performance metrics: Budget reports, Maintenance reports, Completion of Facilities Plan
Key actions:
Person responsible: Ed Tech Director, Technology Department
Funding source: Local, Federal
Performance metrics: Various local surveys (PD, Panorama, etc.)
Key actions:
Person responsible: Technology Department
Funding source: Local, Federal
Performance metrics: Inventory audit, Long-range technology plan, Annual technology review
Neosho School District
Administration Center
418 Fairground Road
Neosho, MO 64850
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