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Annual Student Update

Back to School

Annual Student Update

The annual student update is a yearly confirmation of your student’s information, rather than filling out new paperwork every school year. If your student has attended the Neosho School District, you simply need to reconfirm the information on file is correct or needs modified. 

This makes the back-to-school paperwork more convenient and less repetitive for those who have multiple children attending the Neosho School District. 

To complete the annual student update online, click on the “Enter Snapcode” button below and enter your student’s unique code. 


Enter Snapcode


Pre-K - 6th Grade - These letters will be handed out at Open House. If you didn't attend Open House, letters will come home in your student's folder. If you didn't receive a letter, it can be picked up from the front office.

7th-8th Grade - These letters will be handed out at Open House. If you didn't attend Open House, letters will come home in your student's folder. If you didn't receive a letter, it can be picked up from the front office.

9th-12th Grade - These letters will be handed out at Open House and Freshman Orientation. Letters not picked up will be handed out during Pride hour. If you didn't receive a letter, it can be picked up from the front office.

Important Notes

The annual student update is for returning students only. If your student enrolled for the first time for the 2023-2024 school year, an annual student enrollment does not need to be completed.

There is one unique Snapcode generated per student. 

Snapcodes can only be used one time.

Those who do not wish to complete the annual student update online, can request a paper packet from their school of attendance.

The annual student update is how we update your information in our system, and it is really important! If you do not get district messages or receive mail about your student, it is likely because we do not have updated information. We need a completed annual student update in order to update your information.

For questions, contact the office of your student's school of attendance.


Bus Rider Confirmation

Bus rider confirmation can be completed in three easy steps!

Call or email the Neosho School District transportation department:

(417) 451-8699

Email Marty Marks

Confirm your student is riding the bus for the 2023-2024 school year.

Confirm your home address on file is correct.