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English Language Development

Student Services

English Language Development

What is English Language Development and who qualifies for ELD services?

  • English Language Development (ELD) is an academic program designed to support students whose primary language is not English. Our goal is to assist ALL students, regardless of their background, in developing English language skills and achieving success in school.
  • English Language Learners (ELLs) are students who are either learning or developing English language proficiency. They may also be referred to as English Learners (ELs). It's important to note that the majority of ELs are natural-born citizens of the United States. Regardless of their citizenship status, all ELs are entitled to additional services as mandated by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2016. These services are specifically tailored to help students learn English in an academic setting, enabling them to become active participants in their school and community.
  • Both the Department of Justice and the Office of Civil Rights emphasize that all ELs have the right to receive appropriate support to become proficient in English and fully participate in the standard instructional program within a reasonable time frame. Schools have the flexibility to choose the program that best meets this goal, as long as it is educationally sound and effective in practice. ELs are entitled to programs with ample resources and highly qualified teachers and support staff.


Below, you can find the breakdown of ELD competencies at each grade level. You can also find the LAU Plan at the button below. The LAU Plan is the district plan to meet the instructional needs of English learners (ELs). 

View LAU Plan


  • At the Elementary level, ELD services are based on an ELs proficiency level on the WIDA Screener,
    ACCESS proficiency test, or other comparable proficiency assessment and factors such as time in the United
    States, previous schooling, and academic progress. A certified ELD Specialist provides scaffolding and
    support through the use of ELD strategies to teach language and content area standards in a push-in or
    pull-out program. The goal is to increase English proficiency, not necessarily to master non-ELD content
    standards. The time allotted for each ELD class is determined by proficiency and grade level of the ELs
    served. The ELD Instructional Specialists are attentive to both the ELP standards for language acquisition,
    the Missouri state standards, and the NSD priority standards.

    ELs with a limited proficiency level of 1-3 can be considered for a grade of G for a given standard on the grade
    card based on: grade level, qualifying ACCESS score, number of years in an English speaking school, and
    collaborative decision of the teachers working with the student.

  • The Neosho Junior High School is set up with a neighborhood teaching model. There are six neighborhoods:
    three seventh and three eighth grade. In each neighborhood there are five classrooms. The co-teaching
    model is used throughout the building. ELD will be integrated into every classroom.

    ELs who score at proficiency levels 1-3.4 on the language proficiency assessment may be placed in sheltered
    grade level courses for English Language Arts with collaborative decisions of the teachers working with the
    student. Once a student has been identified as needing ELD services through the WIDA Screener placement
    test, ACCESS proficiency test, or other comparable proficiency assessment, the student is placed in an
    ELA/ELD class based on their grade levels. Access to the content area curriculum is provided through a dual
    endorsed ELD/content area teacher providing scaffolding and support through the use of ELD strategies to
    teach language and content area standards. The ELD Instructional Specialists are attentive to both the ELP
    standards for language acquisition, the Missouri state standards, and the NSD priority standards.

  • ELs who score at proficiency levels 1-2 on the language proficiency assessment may be placed in sheltered
    grade level courses for English Language Arts.

    ELD English 1-This course is parallel to English I, however, facilitated to make content comprehensible to
    English language learners. Students will receive 1 period of English 1-Reading/ELA instruction.

    ELD English 2-This course is parallel to English II, however, facilitated to make content comprehensible to
    English language learners. Students will receive 1 period of English II Reading/ELA instruction.

    Indirect Services-Students will be (monitored or supported) with appropriate accommodations in grade-level
    mainstream classes. Core content is modified to the appropriate language level by core teachers with training
    in working with ELs.