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We are delighted to have Telemedicine services available at our schools, courtesy of the Newton County Commissioners and Freeman Neosho Hospital. This exciting initiative allows us to prioritize the health and well-being of our NSD Team and students by providing convenient and timely access to healthcare professionals.

Our goal is to ensure that students can remain healthy and in school, and with Telemedicine, we can offer prompt access to healthcare providers right from the nurse's office. If a student falls ill during school hours and requires medical attention, our school nurse will facilitate a Telemedicine visit with a qualified provider from Freeman. Parents can virtually participate in the visit by accessing a secure link through their cell phones, computers or other smart devices. This technology enables parents to see, hear and actively engage with the medical provider, their child and the school nurse, ensuring a collaborative and comprehensive healthcare experience.

We understand the importance of keeping parents informed and involved in their child's healthcare journey. To learn more about Telemedicine and its benefits, we invite you to explore the links provided below. These resources will provide you with detailed information about how Telemedicine works and its positive impact on maintaining a healthy and productive school environment.

At Neosho School District, the well-being of our students and team members is of utmost importance. Through the implementation of Telemedicine services, we strive to provide quality healthcare support that is both accessible and convenient for our school community.




How Does It Work?

Keeping Your Child Healthy with Telemedicine

  1. Not feeling well? Talk to your School Nurse.
  2. Your nurse will check your child's vitals.
  3. Parents register online from a text.
  4. Parents will be called to provide the child's medical history.
  5. Parents may attend the visit from their cell phone or from the school nurse's office.
  6. Several payment options are available, including coverage by Medicaid or an affordable flat fee.

Parents are able to stay at work, and students are often able to stay at school!

Freeman Health System
Neosho Hospital


Telemedicine Informational Video Link




School Telemedicine Image


Freeman Health System Eligibility Partners

We can help you with:

  • Medicaid application assistance for Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
  • Marketplace Affordable Healthcare plans with assistance from certified ACA Navigators
  • Social Security application assistance
  • Freeman financial assistance

For more information, you can contact us at:
Contact Freeman Eligibility Partners

Contact us today to take advantage of this free service!