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AMI Days

AMI Days

AMI Days

School Closure Announcements
If it becomes necessary to close school due to weather conditions, we will announce the closure at the following time:
Day Of Closure - Before School Starts: No later than 6:00 a.m.
Night Before Closure: No later than 8:00 p.m.

Methods of Communications:

  • ParentSquare – email, text, phone, app notifications
  • District Website and Social Media Channel, @NeoshoSD
  • Local News Stations: KSN/KODE and KOAM


Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Days:
We have up to five (5) Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days.

This option is provided by the state for schools to use during short-term closures such as snow days. On these days, schools provide instruction virtually and/or via hard copy assignments for students to complete at home. In return, the state allows us to count the day in our school calendar instead of having to make it up at the end of the year. Should we miss more than five (5) days of school due to weather, days will be added onto the end of the school year.
What to Expect:

  • On AMI days, students will complete assignments provided by their teachers. This could be in the form of online, packets or workbooks.
  • Teachers will communicate AMI day expectations and assignments to both students and parents via ParentSquare/StudentSquare. Students are expected to complete their assignments, which will count toward attendance for the day. Teachers will make every effort to respond to messages from parents and students during the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on an AMI day.


Parents can support AMI day requirements by providing a quiet place for students to complete their work and ensuring students turn in completed assignments on time. We appreciate your partnership in your student’s education!